Today is - Thu Jan 23 2025

Justice Facility

Kern County Sheriff's Office

Location/Directions and Contact Information:

Kern County - Lerdo Justice Facility | 17801 Industrial Farm Rd. Bakersfield, CA 93308
(661) 391-3100

General Information

The Justice Facility, located at Lerdo, is a Type II jail facility approximately 220,000 sq. ft. with 825 Medium and Maximum Security inmate beds. The Facility includes an Infirmary, Medical and Dental Clinic for Kern Medical and Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services. The facility also includes nine inmate program rooms for inmate education, programs and non-denominational religious services.

Justice Facility Video Visitation

All inmates housed in the Justice Facility will visit through video visitation. Participation in Video Visitation is a privilege, not a right. Both visitor and inmate are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and respectful manner during video visitation.

All video visits with the public are recorded and subject to monitoring by Kern County Sheriff’s Office personnel. Use of the video visitation system constitutes consent to this monitoring and recording.

The Kern County Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to deny, cancel or terminate a video visit prior to, or during the video visitation session based upon the safety, security, order and control, or other legitimate penological interest. Furthermore, the Kern County Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to restrict persons from visiting.

Visitor Registration

Adult visitors must submit a request to visit through the contracted inmate video visitation service provider. Adult visitors must complete the inmate video visitation service provider’s registration process and agree to the inmate video visitation service provider’s terms and conditions. Registration may take up to 72 hours to process and approve after submission online at here.

Scheduling Video Visitation

All public video visitation must be scheduled at least one day (24 hours) in advance, but no more than one week in advance. The visiting week begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. Adult visitors must visit the inmate telephone service provider website to request video visitation. Visitors will receive a confirmation via email or text once their visit has been approved. There are no fees for on-site visits.

Visitors with disabilities will be afforded the same visiting privileges as other visitors. Wheelchair accessible video visitation booths are available in the Justice Facility Video Visitation Room.

Visitors will submit a request to visit based on the Justice Facility visiting schedule. The visiting schedule corresponds with the first initial of the inmate’s last name.

Video Visitation Schedule


Restricted due to COVID-19. Please refer to PUBLIC VISITING for further information.

Visitor Approval

Sheriff’s Office Staff will approve or deny visit requests based on the Justice Facility visiting schedule, inmate availability and available onsite video visitation booths if applicable.

A video visitation request cannot be approved if the inmate has a schedule conflict such as court or a medical appointment. Inmates on suicide watch or housed in the safety cell will generally not be permitted to visit.

On-Site Video Visitation

Visitors who receive video visitation confirmation via email or text will arrive at the Justice Facility a minimum of thirty (30) minutes prior to the time of the scheduled visit. Visitors must bring their photo identification with them and check in with Sheriff’s Office staff at one of the public windows to have their identification verified.

Visitors will wait in the lobby area until their scheduled visiting time. Visitors will enter the video visitation room and locate the video visitation station they are assigned to or noted on their video visitation confirmation notice. Video visitation booths allow for two visitors. Each video visit will be limited to two (2) adults or one (1) adult and one (1) minor. Additional visitors will wait in the public area of the facility until the visit is complete or until their scheduled visit is called.

Visiting Rules

  • Visitors 16 years old and older "WILL" be required to present valid government identification when checking in for scheduled video visitation.
    • Valid ID includes:
      • Any U.S. state or federal government issued photo identification.
      • Valid passports with photo.
      • Student ID for minors 16 to 18 years old.
    Expired ID’s including ID’s with holes will not be accepted.
  • Visitors under the age of 18 “MUST” be accompanied by a parent or adult legal guardian.
  • Visitors are permitted to take keys and identification with them into the video visitation room. Please do not bring other items such as; purse, cell phone, camera, stroller, tobacco, etc. There is no storage area available to secure personal items not permitted in the video visitation room.
  • Minors must be under adult supervision at all times. Children will not be allowed to stand on or jump from benches. Repeated warnings to control unruly children will result in termination of your visit.
  • If you have a baby you will be allowed to take 1 diaper, 1 bottle, and 1 plain blanket with you into the video visitation room.
  • Visitors are only allowed to visit with the inmate in which they are scheduled to visit with. Any manipulation of video visitation scheduling, on- site and off-site video visitation is cause for termination of a visit at the visitor’s expense (expense applies to approved off-site video visitation) and suspension of the visitor’s privilege to visit with any inmate housed in a Kern County Detention Facility. Inmate(s) who violate facility visiting rules are subject to disciplinary action including, suspension of visiting privileges.
  • Visitors are expected to report inmate video visitation manipulation to facility staff immediately.

Visitor Dress Code

All visitors, including children will adhere to the facility dress code.

  • Shirts covering the stomach and back are required.
  • Pants must cover the buttocks.
  • No clothing with personal pictures on them is not permitted.
  • No spaghetti strap/halter tops or see-thru tops are permitted.
  • Bra straps and cleavage cannot be showing.
  • Shorts and skirts must be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee. No exceptions.

Visiting by Ex-Felon (PC 4571)

All persons requesting visiting privileges at the Justice Facility, who have been previously confined in a State or Federal Prison, must obtain written permission from the facility lieutenant or designee, prior to being permitted to visit with an inmate. To download the Ex-Felon Visitor Request form click here.

Completed forms MUST BE mailed to the Justice Facility Administrative Sergeant.

Kern County - Lerdo Justice Facility
17801 Industrial Farm Rd.
Bakersfield, CA 93308
(661) 391-3100

If approved, the visitor will be contacted. The visitor must have the form with signature of approval in their possession while at the Lerdo Complex.

Professional Visits

Attorneys and their representatives shall have the option to utilize non-contact attorney video visitation rooms or in-person visiting booths to conduct on-site confidential visits with their clients.

Property Releases

Property releases will be processed from 8 am to 8 pm.

Inmates may release their money and personal property to any out of custody person, if the person possesses a valid state or federal government issued picture identification. Inmate clothing will not be released. A property release may take a minimum of 30 minutes, the inmate must be on-site to sign paperwork.

Inmate Telephones and Video Visitation

The Kern County Sheriff’s Office is not responsible for visitor technical support of the inmate telephone and visitation system. Visitors must report problems or issues with their account or scheduling visits directly to the inmate telephone service provider by visiting their website or calling customer service.

Securus Technologies
Inmate Telephones - 1- 800-844-6591
Video Visitation -

Inmate Mail

Kern County - Lerdo Justice Facility
17801 Industrial Farm Rd.
Bakersfield, CA 93308
(661) 391-3100

Correspondence may be made via the US Postal Service. Before it is accepted, it must meet the following criteria:

  • Effective June 1, 2018, Inmates housed in KCSO Detentions Facilities will no longer be allowed to receive greeting cards through the mail. This restriction is being implemented for the safety and security of the facilities.
  • Inmate name and booking number on the envelope.
  • Include envelope and paper only.
  • Letters with the following will not be delivered to the inmate:
    • Sexually explicit material
    • Stickers or tape
    • Blank paper or greeting cards
    • Stamps or address labels
    • Musical greeting cards
    • Cash, money orders, personal or cashier’s checks
    • Lipstick on envelope or letter
    • Hair
    • Perfume
    • Foreign substances
  • C.O.D. or “Postage Due” mail will not be accepted.
  • Appropriate books and periodicals may be sent through the mail “ONLY” if they come directly from the publisher, Barnes and Noble or Amazon (Limit 2 soft bound books per shipment)


Money may be deposited by:

  • By Phone at 1-866-345-1884 to speak to a live, bilingual agent.
  • Our online website:
  • At a Kiosk located in the Central Receiving Facility or Max-Med Facility or Justice Facility