Work Release
We are located at
1415 Truxtun Ave. Suite 100
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Public Hours
Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:30PM (Last appointment at 3:00PM)
Lunch Break 12:00PM-1:00PM
Closed on all county holidays
Contact Phone Number
Court ordered DNA by appointment only 661-868-5505
Fax: 661-868-5520
Work Release Program Overview
The Sheriff’s Work Release Program was established by the Board of Supervisors in 1987, under the statute authority of Penal Code Section 4024.2. The Work Release Program promotes the successful reintegration of law violators back into society and helps reduce the jail population by providing a work program as an alternative to incarceration. Work Release also helps ease the burden of Assembly Bill 109, Public Safety Realignment, introduced in 2011.
Personnel assigned to the Work Release Unit are responsible for monitoring the approximately 300 Work Release Participants that are in the program at any given time. The participants perform manual labor at any one of 78 worksites (23 contracted work sites) throughout the County. The Work Release Program can accommodate over 500 participants and operates 7 days a week.